We were strangers who felt lonely and isolated as we cared for children impacted my foster care. Our shared compassion and convictions brought us together as we created the support system we desperately needed.
Even though we may have had church and family support, we needed voices from those who were living the same struggles. We knew others also needed support with the complex emotions and unique situations that come with investing in vulnerable children and families in this intense way. Southern New Mexico Foster Adoption Ministry was born as a way to meet the growing needs of community members who care for those impacted by the foster system.
We want to make a difference and build a community around foster care.
Build a world where all youth are safe, strong, and valued.
We believe that prayer is powerful and we faithfully pray for children and families impacted by foster care and the caregivers, CYFD workers, court employees, teachers, caregivers, and volunteers that surround them.
We believe that God stepped into our broken relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ and saved us from our sins, made us spiritually alive, and adopted us into His eternal family.
Our gratitude for what has been done for us moves us humbly into compassionate care for those around us who also are suffering from the effects of our broken world. Our call is to serve those in Southern New Mexico who welcome a vulnerable child into their homes and lives to hold and heal from the loss and trauma they have experienced.
We serve all families in Southern New Mexico regardless of their personal belief systems.